Tag Archives: good stewardship; lasting impact

Numbers, Analysis and Conclusions

Great presentation. One comment. We can’t eat percentages! That was the takeaway a brilliant CEO once gave me. I was 27 years old, as green as fresh celery, and had successfully finished my first presentation to the C-suite. It took me a few decades to grasp what he meant. One of the worst subjects I […]

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What Have We Become?

You might have read on the news lately that weight control drugs like Ozempic are now approved for kids 12 years and up. Sadly, the under-12 group is still waiting to get approval. Say WHAT? I recently stumbled across a bunch of US-based statistics. Neither Canadians nor Europeans should feel smug, though, because Canada is […]

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It’s About Our Lived Experience

Our lived experiences hold immense power, shaping our beliefs and influencing our decisions. I have never and will never EVER buy a Ford vehicle. Let me tell you why. In my late twenties, I contacted the Ford organization to find out what we needed to do to make Ford a preferred supplier for our rather […]

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